Friday, June 8, 2012

Eating @ Dennis, The Grill Boy... :D

Hello there! :)

Great tasting pinoy dishes with unlimited rice............that's what I call "SULIT SARAP!" :D #takawmuch

Nowadays, "unlimited rice"-serving shops are a hype. Why do you think so? Is it because the consumer's appetite is really big? Or is it because of the idea that with unlimited rice, things are much more worth paying for? Another can be because people are being so "matipid" that with a lot of rice, they're hunger are taken care of (some people are rice eaters--personally I eat more "ulam" than rice) and at the same time, their wallets are intact. Well, for whatever reason each one has, I bet majority are unknowingly thankful for the person/group/company that started the "UNLI RICE" trend... :) #manythankstoyou

I've eaten here for several times already and there are 2 dishes that I love the most. One is fried to its crispiest state while the other is marinated then grilled to perfection... #yumyumyum

Wanna know what those 2 dishes are? :) Here you go...............................................

 ***Fried to it's crispiest state, Lechon Kawali... :)***

Forgive my image, that was the time when I already removed the fat then retained the crispy skin... :D #heartattackalert

Their Lechon Kawali is accompanied by a cup of hot, steaming garlic rice, about 40grams of liver sauce [yes?? talagang may measurement?? Hehe!] and a tablespoon of pickled unripe papaya (or "atchara" as we call it here in the Philippines).

***Grilled to perfection, Grilled Liempo... :)***

Together with a hot, steaming cup of java rice, a tablespoon of atchara and their grilled liempo is their special sauce. IT'S REALLY GOOD [though its shouting fat and preservatives, a little amount wouldn't kill you right?? :D]. #hellothereDIET

Below you can see images of 2 more dishes we tried, the interior of the place and so on... :)

 ***Crispy Fried Breaded Chicken***
--"THE Holy Grail"....Kidding! :D It's The Heavenly BUCKET full of UNLI RICE... :D--
 --Fish Sauce with Key Lime and Chili Pepper--
--Special Sauce--

Until next time! :) Enjoy and God bless! :)


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